Are YOU the reason business growth has stalled?
If you even had to think about the answer you need to read this.
Hi, I'm Jaime Jay
Founder of Bottleneck Distant Assistants
Here’s the brutal truth about running a business:
You are seriously overworked ... your friends and family only see the tip of the iceberg; they will never truly understand what you're going through.
"60-80 hour work weeks is just what you do in business, right?"
You don’t have time to focus on revenue-generating activity because you’re too busy checking and replying to emails and taking care of mundane. repetitive tasks.
It's so frustrating!
You’re making decent money and have built a great life for yourself - but you don’t have time to enjoy the life you've worked so hard for.
Of course, the answer seems simple: just get someone else to do the boring, repetitive work for you. You've read it a million times in every business book, but it is so much easier said than done!
When would you find time to hire and train them?
What would you even get them to do? (your work requires too much judgment to delegate)
What if they're not a good fit?
And then there's the expense ... and the HR paperwork ... and the liability if they make a big mistake ... and so on.
You're stuck in a classic Catch-22 situation:
You need help ... but you don't have time to hire an assistant!
So you just keep doing what you've been doing:
Working ridiculously long hours with no relief in sight.
"I bet Elon Musk isn't sitting at his desk at 11 pm on Friday night balancing Tesla's checking account"
He has people for that.
He delegates to them ... a lot.
Because there comes a point where trying to do everything yourself just means that:
- you become the bottleneck in the business.
- you become the reason business growth stalls. -
You hit a wall.
There are no more hours in the day that you can work.
If your business is to grow, without you working yourself into an early grave, you must focus on what you are best at and find a way to delegate the rest.
What would YOU do with YOUR
extra time?
Enjoy time with friends and family?
Take your first vacation in years?
Catch up on sleep and watch reruns of The Bachelor (we won't tell anyone.)
The Challenge:
Getting the delegation ball rolling when you hardly have time to sleep
I'm not going to lie to you.
There is no easy instant fix.
But I make the process as efficient and pain-free as possible with my free proven system that shows you step-by-step how to efficiently hire and train that one person you need to move business forward and regain control of your time.
You'll learn how to:
attract and screen the best applicants
minimize the risk of hiring the wrong person
decide which tasks to delegate
optimize training efficiency so you don't overwhelm your new assistant or yourself
limit the cost and eliminate HR paperwork.
Stop waiting for days to miraculously contain more than 24 hours, and stop waiting for those repetitive, time-consuming tasks to become fun.
Neither is going to happen.
The Right Time To Hire a Distant Assistant
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@ 2021 Bottleneck Distant Assistants | Designed and Developed By: Bottleneck Distant Assistants