Guest Blogging Guidelines

Bottleneck Distant Assistants guest bloggers

Guest Blogging

Who Can Submit a Guest Blog

Bottleneck Distant Assistants is open to guest blog submissions from industry professionals, including small business owners, thought leaders, and experienced distant assistants.

This is a great way for you to be introduced to a new audience, our audience. Should your article be approved for publication on our website, you will also have a backlink which is great for search engine optimization.

Qualities That We Look For

Focus Topics

Outsourcing, Remote Team Management, Distant Assistant Tips and Guides, Hiring and Recruiting, Leadership, Remote Work Challenges, Remote Workplace Security, and Company Culture.


Minimum of 1,000 words.

Reliable Source

Make sure to credit your referenced materials and check your facts before you submit.


Please refrain from mentioning or linking to your brand more than two times in a post.

Please also refrain from submitting press releases, abstracts, outlines, and pitches.

Your content should be written in such a way that our readers can learn and take actionable steps that will help them solve their challenges.

Interviews with relevant sources will be supported by our team, but not until you submit a request before your scheduled interview.



  • The editorial team will review your blog.
  • The team may not be able to provide feedback about why your submission was not approved.
  • Accepted blogs will be notified via email so please make sure you are using an active email address when submitting your content.
  • Content, including blog titles and images, may be edited for style, tone, substance, or SEO.
  • Editing may take up to two weeks to complete. We reserve the right to publish the article as is or with changes.
  • Bottleneck Distant Assistants may or may not promote your blog on all of its sharing mediums.
  • Guest bloggers may choose to be credited with their own byline and short bio.
  • If you have any questions, email [email protected].

Stop The Bottleneck In Your Business

Stop the Bottleneck In Your Business

No More Overtime. No More Stress.
More Time with Your Loved Ones.