31 Andrij Harasewych – Part 2 Live Streaming

If you didn’t get to listen to part one, Andrew “Andrij” Harasewych talks all about his success on Google Plus and how to build and maintain a successful group. It’s a really cool episode and you will definitely want to listen to that as it’s a great pre-curser to part two.

Andrij Harasewych and Live Streaming

Andrij.co has some great information on live streaming and some great how-to guides.

Live streaming is a bit of a fad that has been around since 2013. It’s live streaming video and is the epitome of social media and proving your authenticity. It’s being real with your people. You can’t fake it, if you are hit with a question and you’re stumped, people will see that. But they can also see how you work your way through it and that’s a positive.

People will see your thought process and not just a one sentence answer that is pre-prepared for Twitter or Google+. For those that need overly plan, live streaming may not work very well because you have to be able to think on your feet. Everything can go completely sideways and you really can’t go in with any plan.

Andrij – Live Streaming to Connect with Your Followers

Andrij "Andrew" HarasewychAndrij sees some advantages to using live stream during a podcast interview. Since it’s your listeners that are wanting the information, they would be asking questions that they want answered. But it could also be a distraction during an interview seeing all of the questions and wanting to answer them immediately.

It gives you an interesting angle and if you’re doing a hangout keep a Meerkat open because it’s simply another way to get questions and comments. Be sure to mention them in the show and be descriptive because they cannot see your Meerkat comments. For instance you could say, “Got a question from @soandso and he wants to know……”

Andrij – Choosing a Live Streaming App

Hang With Live StreamingChoosing a live streaming app is a choice like Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Each one has its strengths and drawbacks but each should survive. It’s tough to compare each app. Hangwith is the only live streaming on Android, Meerkat and Periscope work on iOS and you must have a Twitter account.

Periscope and Meerkat are very equal platforms. Persicope is visually prettier. It’s the Apple of live streaming. It’s very streamlined and uncluttered. Whereas someone might look at Meerkat and say wow that’s really cluttered.

Hangwith has a few major issues because it will keep others from liking it so much but it’s also a benefit in a way. New members are only allowed to stream for 15 minutes at a time. It eliminates the silly streams of my bathroom at night, etc. If you are verified by Hangwith, you can stream up to an hour. It can be live on your webcast. It’s the best platform to see both sides of the conversation.

Andrij Harasewych Breaks Down Periscope

Periscope Live StreamingCompared to social media, Periscope is the Facebook of live streaming. It’s designed for mass consumption that the random public might like and not necessarily just your following. It’s literally people just clicking on streams to watch.

If you have a strong Twitter following, Periscope works great. The negative is the comments disappear rather quickly. If you aren’t staring at the screen, a question will be gone before you have had a chance to respond. The only way to get that question back is to re-watch your entire feed from your and see the comment.

Live streaming is a great way to get organized on a subject. If you want to write a blog post about live streaming, get in there and open up a live stream for #livestreaming. Let people come and let them ask their questions and that will guide you with regard to what people want to know about. It’s a way to build your following and proving your authenticity.

Andrij Harasewych – Meerkat’s Features

Meerkat Live StreamingThrough live streams you can grow your market. If you’re watching someone in your industry, leave them on and leave a comment. That person is then motivated to follow-up with and connect or follow you.

Meerkat allows you to follow-up with people who are in your stream and vice versa. Great way to build relationships with like-minded people. It’s the Reddit form of live streaming. It’s about the commenting and communication between people and not the beauty aspect of an app.

It seems easier to get deeper into subjects on Meerkat. There is always something educational whereas there are not as many on Periscope. Holding down on Meerkat for five seconds takes you down farther than the top live streams to a plethora of live streams allowing you to see more than just the leaderboard.

Live Streaming is best used with Wi-Fi because it uses an incredible amount of data. If you are streaming on your mobile device, keep an eye on it. If you don’t get warnings or flags, fix that so you don’t get a $200 bill for overage charges.

Andrij has a Meerkat guide in a three-part series at Andrij.co. Introduction to Meerkat Live Streaming, Creators Guide to Meerkat and The Viewers Guide to Meerkat along with the same for Hangwith.

Andrij’s Favorite Third Party Apps for Live Streaming

There are a lot of apps that interface with Meerkat. If you comment on your own Meerkat from the start with katch this service will upload your stream to YouTube and send you the link afterwards. It’s an unlisted video and not on someone else’s channel.

Another third-party app is Meerkat Roulette where you can see a live map of everywhere in the world where someone is live streaming from. You can see a random person streaming or choose a rough location such as China or Japan.

Andrij Grows his Confidence with Live Streaming

Andrij’s wife says he sounds more confident since he started live streaming. His first time he was nervous because it’s new and you don’t have any followers and thought no one wanted to listen to him. Once people started signing in it was good practice talking to people.

Live streaming is not a finished product. It’s a stepping stone for that finished product. With live streaming you can gather questions for your blog post. You gather people that are interested in your hashtag. You will find people who are interested in your hashtag. It’s a way to build your blog posting and content.

It’s great to live stream with another person. If no one else is on your stream you can still bounce things off of each other. You can keep the conversation going and when someone jumps in you can greet them and get the action going.

Live streaming is great for sharing your work process. You can show both of your monitors and your entire work area.

Andrij has a mounted selfie stick he can flip from his monitor to his face with ease. When someone jumps in you can flip that camera around and they see your face immediately. It’s a lot easier than working with multiple cameras because it’s so easy to use a phone camera.

Live streaming boosts your confidence for speaking to others. It’s given Andrij great personal growth. You have to stay on your toes. You have to improvise when questions come up that completely change the subject.

Andrij Harasewych – Social Media Integration

Hangwith has Facebook integration. First you set up the initial description of your hangout with a hashtag or two and then you auto post it to Twitter and/or Facebook.

You can link it to your Facebook pages and it will go out on your page you are live as well as your personal profile that you are streaming live with a link to your stream.

On Twitter it’s an in-live video, viewers just hit play from your Twitter post and the live stream pops up.

There is advertising on Hangwith and you can do revenue sharing. If you’re verified with Hangwith you can use your own sponsors.

Google+ was Andrij’s breakaway moment.

He owes everything he has to Google+. He gave up engineering when he lost his job. He was literally at home all day looking for jobs and he realized how incredible social media is.

He wrote about science and technology and soon created a following. He read Guy Kawasaki and others that were doing things well. He took a bit of knowledge from each to grow his following even more.

If you want to learn more about or connect with Andrij Harasewych, check out his links below:

Andrij Website
Andrij Harasewych on Google+
Andrij Harasewych on Twitter
Viewers Guide to Meerkat
Creator’s Guide to Meerkat
Introduction to Meerkat
Viewer’s Guide to Hang With
Creator’s Guide to Hang With
Introduction to Hang With

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Andrij Harasewych if you are in a hurry:

  • What is live streaming? (5:00 Mark)
  • What is “Meerkasting”? (9:53 Mark)
  • What are the different live streams like? (13:57 mark)
  • Difference between Android and IOS for live streaming? (21:47 mark)
  • Why use live streaming in today’s online marketing environment? (32:00 Mark)
  • What was Andrij’s break away moment? (54:30 Mark)
  • Andrij’s words of wisdom? (1:02:40 Mark)

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Jaime Jay

About Jaime Jay

Meet Jaime Jay – a man who wears many hats, and wears them all admirably. He's a master connector, an entrepreneur extraordinaire, and a published author who knows how to get things done.

Before he found his way to the business world, Jaime served his country as a brave paratrooper in the U.S. Army. But that's just the beginning of his many accomplishments.

He's the founder of the renowned Bottleneck Distant Assistant Services firm, and his book "Quit Repeating Yourself" has become a must-read for entrepreneurs everywhere.

When he's not busy building his empire, you can find him on his beloved Harley Davidson, cruising through the countryside and taking in the invigorating effects of Uitwaaien – a Dutch practice that involves facing the wind to boost health and relieve stress.

He enjoys spending his free time outside building stuff with his wife, Nikita the dog and their two kittens (for now at least) Tommy and Tater.

He is ‘over-the-moon’ happily married to his wonderful wife Sara, his amazing daughter, Jessica, who is serving our country as a United States Army soldier. Jaime and Sara are the proud grand parents of two beautiful little girls.

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