24 Janice Clark Social Media Coach

Janice Clark – Social Media Coach and Mentor

Janice Clark Social Media Coach and MentorThis was a very informative interview. I was surprised by the knowledge Janice has with regard to supportive social media. Janice performs social media strategies for small to medium sized businesses. She has a team of virtual assistants that helps her clients with their social media while their clients get to do the things they want to do like run their businesses and spend time with family.

It was so refreshing talking with Janice because she offered a tremendous level of transparency and honesty. She really does want to help people. She talks about what she struggles with and how she overcomes those challenges. She has built a tremendous support group that helps keep her on her toes so that she is up to date with the latest changes online. She has built a great online reputation over the years. She built her following through grass root marketing efforts one person at a time. She’s found that her connection with her followers is a lot stronger and she’s very proud of the fact that she never purchased followers.

social media strategiesThe most important thing any business or person can do to generate more business is to create content. Janice says that sites that blog on a regular basis get about 58% leads than sites that don’t blog. Being consistent is also important. If you cannot blog every day, then once a week or once every two weeks is ok as long as it’s consistent. The more you publish fresh content, the more opportunity you have for people interested in your product or service will have a chance to find you.

The great thing about content is that it keeps working long after you’ve produced it. – Janice Clark

How To Measure Social Media ROI?

social media trainingEveryone wants to talk about ROI (Return on Investment). When you look at ROI you have to look at the entire scope of what your investment really is. There are certain things that are tangible like how many leads you are getting, how many mentions you are getting, but people really want to know what people are making on their investment. For smaller clients, if all you are doing is social media, the best ROI you can hope for is more traffic to your site. There are a lot of people that don’t put out content. They simply post a couple tweets and Facebook posts. For a bigger return, you have to create content. If you invest in auto-responders and optin lists, good landing pages, software and other lead generating resources, you will start to get more responses and that is when you will start seeing a better ROI.

@Janice_Clark A great overview about #Socialmedia and how to measure #ROI on http://slapshotstudio.com/?p=839 Tweet this!


One of the things you cannot measure is how people feel about you. All the people who like you who would happily like you and recommend you cannot be measured. Janice encourages people not to discount this. Janice always asks her clients the following:

  • Do you have a pencil or pen on your desk?
  • How much money did your computer make you last year?
  • How much money did your phone make you last year?

social media partnershipsPeople usually start laughing at this point. The point is that there are lots of things in your business that people need that they don’t know exactly how much money that particular tool made you. Social is a tool and it only works as well as you do. When you think about it, you have to think about how much time and money you invest in your business. This is how people need to think about social media before they can really think about what their return on investment or return on influence.

If people are willing to pay for some of the tools available, there are lots of ways to measure ROI. Over time, you can actually come up with approximate views one will have on your posts once a track record is established. In social media people come and go and so you can’t make a $5,000 investment in one month and expect results. You have to move into social for the long haul.

It takes nine months to have a baby and nine women can’t do it one month. – Janice Clark

If you want to learn more about or connect with Janice Clark, check out her links below:

BizMSolutions Website
Janice Clark’s BizMSolutions on Facebook
Send Janice a Tweet – @Janice_Clark
Connect with Janice Clark on LinkedIn
Join BizMSolutions on Google Plus
Janice on Pinterest
Visit BizMSolutions on YouTube

Here are the links for the products and tools Janice mentioned in this interview (Some of the links are my affiliate links and if you end up purchasing that product I will receive a commission. Thank you for your support and trust):

Sprout Social (Affiliate Link)
Commun.it for Twitter management (Affiliate Link)


I had to shut up and just listen to Janice because she had so much great information to hear, but here are what I thought the highlights of my interview with Janice Clark if you are in a hurry:

  • Who is Janice Clark? (2:24 Mark)
  • Does Janice do her own blogging? (7:56 Mark)
  • How important is blogging and how often should you do it? (9:20 mark)
  • How do you integrate social media with blogging? (12:15 mark)
  • How to you get more leads? (14:00 Mark)
  • What can I expect with a social media strategy? (20:45 mark)
  • How to measure social media ROI? (26:19 mark)
  • What social media tools does Janice recommend using? (35:34 Mark)
  • What is Janice’s virtual assistant solution? (37:44 Mark)
  • What was Janice’s break away moment? (42:29 Mark)

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Jaime Jay

About Jaime Jay

Meet Jaime Jay – a man who wears many hats, and wears them all admirably. He's a master connector, an entrepreneur extraordinaire, and a published author who knows how to get things done.

Before he found his way to the business world, Jaime served his country as a brave paratrooper in the U.S. Army. But that's just the beginning of his many accomplishments.

He's the founder of the renowned Bottleneck Distant Assistant Services firm, and his book "Quit Repeating Yourself" has become a must-read for entrepreneurs everywhere.

When he's not busy building his empire, you can find him on his beloved Harley Davidson, cruising through the countryside and taking in the invigorating effects of Uitwaaien – a Dutch practice that involves facing the wind to boost health and relieve stress.

He enjoys spending his free time outside building stuff with his wife, Nikita the dog and their two kittens (for now at least) Tommy and Tater.

He is ‘over-the-moon’ happily married to his wonderful wife Sara, his amazing daughter, Jessica, who is serving our country as a United States Army soldier. Jaime and Sara are the proud grand parents of two beautiful little girls.

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