35 Kate Taylor Staff Writer Entrepreneur

Kate Taylor – Staff Writer, Entrepreneur.com

Kate Taylor is a staff writer for Entrepreneur.com. Kate covers franchises and anything relating to the franchising and entrepreneurs. She has been with Entrepreneur for nearly two years. She was hired and didn’t know she was going to be writing about franchising until the day she started work. Little did she know, she found franchising intriguing and really enjoys learning and sharing her knowledge about franchising. Kate was a history major in college, but she always wanted to be a writer. Before working for Entrepreneur.com, she interned for Forbes and found an appreciation for business writing.

Kate Taylor on cctv AmericaKate separates herself from the competition by consistently writing new content. For example, some people start blogs or writing with the best intentions, but people often quit before they develop an audience because they aren’t receiving any feedback or getting any response it’s easy for people to stop writing. For Kate, it’s really important to just generate the content and get it published.

Writing is a lot of work, but working for Entrepreneur.com, Kate has a great editor that helps her out. Most of the time she wants to get an article out before noon. For longer stories, it’s less of a direct deadline, but if you are working on articles everyday, you get used to a rhythm that works best for you.

Writing once a month or once a week is fine, but you have to be honest with yourself. If you say you are going to write once a month because that’s all the time you have, and you miss a month, you really have to get into a routine and make sure you commit.

If you are writing once a month, don’t skip. – Kate Taylor


Kate says a big debate as to how long an article should be. She thinks that shorter articles may be more likely to go viral, but also there are longer articles that Kate put a lot of time and energy in that have a longer shelf life. She recommends that you need to balance the two and figure out what you’re voice is when creating content.

Kate says that developing a voice is as much as developing confidence and like many other things, it comes with practice. Kate found her voice through trial and error and writing a lot of articles. Getting your own voice is an extension of expressing your personality. This is easier to do when you are writing about topics that you are more interested in.

3 Things That Will Make You a Better Writer

The first thing to becoming a better writer is that when you are choosing a topic, write about personal experiences and make sure it’s interesting to you. The second thing is just making sure that there aren’t any grammatical errors and finally, learn how to make your articles something that your audience wants to read. It has to do a lot with creating a great headline. Make sure you title your article or story with a “clickable” headline. In other words, find out different ways to express yourself and get your point across quickly.

To make headlines better, you can start off with trial and error in figuring out what works with different audiences. Reread your article and try to find out what the article is about. If you are writing about someone, it’s a good idea to go back through the article and find something interesting they said and use that as a headline.

If you want to learn more about or connect with Kate Taylor, check out her links below and remember she welcomes all questions, comments and inquiries!

Kate TaylorKate Taylor Entrepreneur Staff Writer
Kate Taylor on Twitter
Kate Taylor on LinkedIn
Send an email to Kate Taylor

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Kate Taylor if you are in a hurry:

  • Who is Kate Taylor? (2:40 Mark)
  • What often should you post for traffic generation? (9:30 Mark)
  • Kate defines “getting your voice”. (12:52 Mark)
  • What are 3 things to become a better writer? (14:53 Mark)
  • What social media does Kate use most? (22:14 Mark)
  • Deciphering what is ok and not ok to share online? (30:00 Mark)
  • What was Kate’s break away moment with GetSocial? (32:07 Mark)

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Jaime Jay

About Jaime Jay

Meet Jaime Jay – a man who wears many hats, and wears them all admirably. He's a master connector, an entrepreneur extraordinaire, and a published author who knows how to get things done.

Before he found his way to the business world, Jaime served his country as a brave paratrooper in the U.S. Army. But that's just the beginning of his many accomplishments.

He's the founder of the renowned Bottleneck Distant Assistant Services firm, and his book "Quit Repeating Yourself" has become a must-read for entrepreneurs everywhere.

When he's not busy building his empire, you can find him on his beloved Harley Davidson, cruising through the countryside and taking in the invigorating effects of Uitwaaien – a Dutch practice that involves facing the wind to boost health and relieve stress.

He enjoys spending his free time outside building stuff with his wife, Nikita the dog and their two kittens (for now at least) Tommy and Tater.

He is ‘over-the-moon’ happily married to his wonderful wife Sara, his amazing daughter, Jessica, who is serving our country as a United States Army soldier. Jaime and Sara are the proud grand parents of two beautiful little girls.

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