29 Matthew Turner – The Successful Mistake

Matthew Turner – Successful Mistake

Matthew Turner is an avid story teller. He loves, writing, telling and sharing stories. Matthew writes novels in the fictional sense and also in the business sense for entrepreneurs. He is currently working on The Successful Mistake.  Matthew promotes brand development for his clients. Matthew offers brand development for his clients. Using what is similar to novel development, he helps clients discover who they are, why they matter and what their true and most disruptive message is.

Matthew Turner on Self-Promotion

Matt Turner - Turndog MillionaireMatthew Turner does lots of work for clients but also has to find the time to do it for himself. His goal is for his website to be an example of what he is teaching his clients. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate his story telling approach to his clients. If they see it on his website that he uses the same process for his own marketing, the clients can better understand his method. It helps him to simplify his message.  The biggest lost opportunity he sees is “web-site under construction”. Your website speaks volumes of your work.

Mistakes are lessons – Matthew Turner

Matthew Turner on Mistakes

Turndog in the PressMatthew has been working on his book for about 2 1/2 years. Has interviewed over 160 successful entrepreneurs and discovered their one great mistake and how they transformed that mistake into success. Matthew shares tips and tricks on how to avoid the most common entrepreneurial and life mistakes. He hopes one day this book will touch on a new outlook and new definition of what a mistake is. It’s like a 2 year old learning to walk. They make lots of little steps and mistakes and failures until they have mastered walking. The mistakes are the lessons to learn from. One mistake might be the catalyst to a new business or start in your life.

Look at all of the successful people that share their mistake online. They aren’t proud of their mistake but they share them. It’s a great way to connect with your audience. Your audience sees that irregardless of how successful you are, you make mistakes and you learn from them. Readers are more likely to relate to someone who makes mistakes just like themselves.

What Success Means to Matthew Turner

Matt Turner Turndog in the pressSuccess to Matthew Turners is getting to leave his phone at home, he can walk away from his laptop and go with his family and spend the day fishing on a lake.

Successful people have defined what success means to them.  They have taken a step back and defined what success means to them.  Not just in business but in life. Ask yourself what impact do you want to make and what would make you happy? Think of it as if someone gave you one billion dollars and you no longer had to work and make money. You can then remove earning a living from the equation. Focus on the truly important things in life.

Matt TurnerMost people don’t truly know what they want to do. They haven’t taken that step back. The first step is to acknowledge they don’t really know what their dream is or they might realize that wow, I am chasing someone else’s dream. The next step is to find it. Figure out what it is. Once you have that definition you can build a life that will get you to it. Your definition will evolve over time but the foundation and fundamentals should not need to change. The same is true for your brand in business. It will evolve but the fundamentals of it will remain constant.

Matthew Turner’s Breakaway Moment

Matthew Turner was 21 years old and worked at a summer camp in Cincinnati. here he had his first real relationship his first real love. The end of that relationship hit him hard. It led him to writing and journaling as therapy. He soon developed his story writing which led to Beyond Parallel with his wonderment of what-if and the what-if moments of life. What if he had chosen or what if he had said something differently. Matthew had always been a story-teller but this led him to writing and figuring out what writing meant to him. It led to creativity and ultimately to entrepreneurial living. He discovered that working for someone else would never satisfy him. He discovered he needed to create his own path. He discovered his definition of success.

If you want to learn more about or connect with Matt Turner (the Turndog Millionaire), check out jis links below:

Matthew Turner Website Turndog.co
Matthew Turner on Facebook
Matthew Turner on Twitter
Purple Coffee Podcast on iTunes
Purple Coffee Podcast and Show Notes

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Matthew Turner if you are in a hurry:

  • Who is Matt Turner? (2:10 Mark)
  • How does Matt get time to work with clients and improve his own authority? (5:58 Mark)
  • What is the “Successful Mistake”? (10:28 mark)
  • What are common mistakes most entrepreneurs make? (21:45 mark)
  • What is Matt’s take on risk associated with her position? (27:27 Mark)
  • What was Matt’s break away moment? (41:55 Mark)
  • Matt’s words of wisdom? (48:20 Mark)

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Jaime Jay

About Jaime Jay

Meet Jaime Jay – a man who wears many hats, and wears them all admirably. He's a master connector, an entrepreneur extraordinaire, and a published author who knows how to get things done.

Before he found his way to the business world, Jaime served his country as a brave paratrooper in the U.S. Army. But that's just the beginning of his many accomplishments.

He's the founder of the renowned Bottleneck Distant Assistant Services firm, and his book "Quit Repeating Yourself" has become a must-read for entrepreneurs everywhere.

When he's not busy building his empire, you can find him on his beloved Harley Davidson, cruising through the countryside and taking in the invigorating effects of Uitwaaien – a Dutch practice that involves facing the wind to boost health and relieve stress.

He enjoys spending his free time outside building stuff with his wife, Nikita the dog and their two kittens (for now at least) Tommy and Tater.

He is ‘over-the-moon’ happily married to his wonderful wife Sara, his amazing daughter, Jessica, who is serving our country as a United States Army soldier. Jaime and Sara are the proud grand parents of two beautiful little girls.

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