179 Tim Paige Webinar Expert


Tim Paige

Tim Paige

Tim Paige is a webinar expert whose webinars have grossed nearly $10M in revenue. He is also a professional voice actor whose clients include NBC, Jimmy Kimmel, and the Weather Channel.

“Whenever you have an idea, try it; it’s better than just having an idea.” – Tim Paige

Webinar Expert and Voice Actor

For the last three and a half years, Tim worked as a senior conversion educator for Leadpages. His job included hosting live webinars.

Later on, he started his own business which enabled him to help many others with their webinar marketing. He also pursued and enjoyed voice acting.

Making the Smart Choice

Leaving an amazing job to venture out on your own has its own set of pros and cons. One of the challenges that Tim faced was determining whether it was a smart choice.

“I have been really fortunate in the fact that I have spent the last 10 years building relationships.” – Tim Paige on transitioning at the right time

He knew he’d be walking into perhaps bigger challenges on his own. Failure could just be a step away.

The Cost of Pursuing One’s Passion

Tim wanted to do voiceover full time. In 2016, he earned enough money from doing voiceovers to support his family.

“This business is doing so well that my day job is hurting me.” – Tim Paige on pursuing his passion

One podcast episode featuring a voice actor inspired him. Tim saw how much time and money his day job was costing him. That idea launched him towards a bigger success.

To hear from Tim Paige, download and listen to the episode. Connect with him through the links below. Remember to let Tim know you heard about him on Stop Riding the Pine!

Show Links for Tim Paige:

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If you haven’t checked it out yet, listen to our previous episode 178 Eddie Yoon Driving Category Growth and Creation. Don’t forget to leave a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you!

Thank you to MikeD, for providing the incredible editing for this episode. If you need to find an audio editor, send MikeD an email at [email protected]Interview ValetThank you to our awesome sponsor, Interview Valet, A professional concierge guest booking podcast service for hosts and guests – You be the Guest, We do the Rest! Check out their new website at InterviewValet.com.

This episode of Stop Riding the Pine Podcast was brought to you by InterviewValet.com

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Jaime Jay

About Jaime Jay

Meet Jaime Jay – a man who wears many hats, and wears them all admirably. He's a master connector, an entrepreneur extraordinaire, and a published author who knows how to get things done.

Before he found his way to the business world, Jaime served his country as a brave paratrooper in the U.S. Army. But that's just the beginning of his many accomplishments.

He's the founder of the renowned Bottleneck Distant Assistant Services firm, and his book "Quit Repeating Yourself" has become a must-read for entrepreneurs everywhere.

When he's not busy building his empire, you can find him on his beloved Harley Davidson, cruising through the countryside and taking in the invigorating effects of Uitwaaien – a Dutch practice that involves facing the wind to boost health and relieve stress.

He enjoys spending his free time outside building stuff with his wife, Nikita the dog and their two kittens (for now at least) Tommy and Tater.

He is ‘over-the-moon’ happily married to his wonderful wife Sara, his amazing daughter, Jessica, who is serving our country as a United States Army soldier. Jaime and Sara are the proud grand parents of two beautiful little girls.

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