Word of the Year – Listen

Word of the Year: 2019

Word of the Year: 2019


Listen Intently and Soulfully To Engage Notably

— Dalai Lama

LISTEN/lis(ə)n/ –  Give one’s attention to a sound.
In order for us to better serve you, we must first understand YOUR challenges by listening without interruption.

INTENTLY /inˈtentlē/ –  With earnest and eager attention.
It is with the intention that we find clarity. Being present and living in the now will earn you admiration and respect.

SOULFULLY – /soʊlfəl-ly/Full of or expressing deep feeling; profoundly emotional.
In order to understand our audience, we must first know who our audience is. By understanding who our audience is, only then we are able to communicate with them in such a way that addresses their real-time challenges in both life and their profession.

TO – \ tə, tu̇, ˈtü \Used as a function word to indicate movement or action or condition suggestive of movement toward a place, person, or thing reached.
We need TO Gather information before action in order TO build your trust.

ENGAGE  \in-ˈgāj\To offer (something, such as one’s life or word) as backing to a cause or aim: to expose to risk for the attainment or support of some end.
Here at Bottleneck Distant Assistants, we pride ourselves on working very hard upfront to set expectations and build relationships so that when our prospects become clients, they do so with the utmost faith in our service.

NOTABLY\nō-tə-blē\ – In a notable manner: to a high degree.
In a world full of noise and interruption, we stand up for our clients with unbridled authenticity and respect.